From rescue dog to the red carpet

Former Geelong rescue Squid stars in Runt. (Supplied)

Australia’s newest canine superstar hails from right here in Geelong and is the biggest success story so far from local dog rescue organisation the Yellow Door.

Premiering on September 19, cheeky terrier Squid stars in Runt, the big screen adaption of Craig Silvey’s 2022 book of the same name.

But only last year Squid, then Maisie, was without a home. Unable to cope with her exuberance and lack of training, Squid’s owners surrendered her to Geelong’s the Yellow Door Rescue and Rehoming.

“She was too energetic, untrained… a little hot mess, she was,” said Yellow Door co-founder Lisa Davis.

But it didn’t take long for Maisie to get noticed.

“The dog trainer, Bec, and the production team from Runt saw her; Craig Silvey, the author, specifically wanted a rescue dog for the part,” Ms Davis said.

“So Bec came and met her and did a small assessment and she passed with flying colours and off she went to begin her training.”

The Geelong premiere at Reading Cinemas on September 19 will serve as both a celebration of Squid’s success and a fundraiser for the Yellow Door.

Ms Davis encouraged people to buy tickets to the premiere or get in touch about fostering dogs.

“We have anywhere between five and 30 dogs at any time, and we run 100 per cent on volunteers and fundraising,” Ms Davis said.

“At times we rely on donations, and we run GoFundMe campaigns for dogs that need surgery or medical attention.

“We’re always looking for foster carers, we’re in desperate need. The more foster carers we have, the more lives we can save, and it doesn’t cost anything to foster, everything’s covered by us.”

Visit The Yellow Door – Rescue and Rehoming Facebook page for more information.