A look back at February

Leanne and Brendan Horking with their 1928 Ford Model A Tourer Tub at the Queenscliff Rod Run. (Ivan Kemp) 317723_15

The Voice travels through the archives and has a look at the top stories in February.

Clifton Springs’ Brad Evans declared his son Beau would have a happy future despite being diagnosed with a rare illness that made the 20-year-old legally blind.

A memorial seat was reinstalled at The Bluff in Barwon Heads after its removal by the Barwon Coast Committee of Management, which prompted a public outcry.

Vintage hot rod cars delighted onlookers at Hesse Street with the Queenscliff Rod Run on February 3 and 5.

The Vic Open annual golf tournament was held at Barwon Heads’ 13th Beach Golf Links on February 9 to 12, with locals strolling the fairways to catch the game.