Students take the lead on coastal litter

Ty Armistead and Sam Dreise showed initiative to design a board. 165407

During 2016 Barwon Coast was approached by two students from Surfside Primary School to discuss a project focused on raising awareness on litter along the coastline.
Sam Dreise and Ty Armistead both Grade 6 students at the time took the initiative to be creative and designed a surf board art piece to get the message out there.
With the support from Tim Silverwood from Take 3, and Barwon Coast, the two lads set off on their journey to create something that would complement the natural landscape but also engage beach users.
“We think the end product speaks for itself,” Maddie Glynn from Barwon Coast said.
“This is an excellent example of local youth being tuned into their surrounding environment and being proactive in working towards a positive action that we all can learn from”.
“A great initiative and example of how together we can make a difference,” Maddie said.