Sandi’s ready for life’s next stage

Sandi Ward is looking forward to retirement later this month. 149564

THE Terrace icon Sandi Ward plans to retire this month after three decades working in Ocean Grove’s main stretch.
Sandi, 68, has lived in Ocean Grove since 1984 and opened her children’s clothing store, Sandi’s Spot, in 1986.
“I’ve been here 30 summers – it’s a great little business,” she said.
“I’ve had a great time and I’ve met heaps of interesting people.”
It’s these people she’ll miss the most.
“I’m now seeing mothers come back as grandmothers – which is frightening but great,” she said.
The local grandmother has been involved in the Ocean Grove Business Association for 25 years and has been the group’s treasurer.
“Over the years people have called me ‘the mayoress’,” she said.
Sandi’s has leased the building from the same owner since she started in The Terrace.
“The building sold recently so that’s when I thought I should retire,” she said.
Sandi said she’d found someone to “carry on the store in similar way” after she leaves.
“Which I’m very pleased about,” she said.
“I couldn’t see myself just walking out and leaving an empty shop.”