Recognising the service of Lyn Jenkins

Lyn Jenkins received a special service award from Lions first vice district governor Sue Eyton. (Supplied)

Lions Club of Ocean Grove Barwon Heads has recognised the dedication and service of one of its members during a dinner.

Lyn Jenkins received a special service award during the club’s dinner meeting held at the Barwon Heads Seniors Citizens Club on Tuesday, August 6.

Lions first vice district governor Sue Eyton presented the award to Ms Jenkins and said the award was for someone who was a “quiet achiever”.

“She’s never one of those people who sits around and waits for things, as she’s constantly out looking for things and making sure they’re done well,” Ms Eyton said.

“I think she was a bit surprised. We don’t do anything for recognition, because we all join Lions to make a difference in our communities and that’s what really drives us.

“But it’s really important to remember to give those little bits of recognition and acknowledgement for what people do. It makes them feel valued and helps cement that they’re on the right track.”

Ms Eyton said the Lions Club of Ocean Grove Barwon Heads were a “committed and enthusiastic” group that looked after the community’s needs.

“They’re doing something that’s really loved and appreciated in the community and…they’re a wonderful group of people,” she said.

“One of the things that I really love about Lions is that we can go out into the community, identify a need, step in and try to help meet those needs.

“If anybody is looking for a fantastic group of people to join… they couldn’t go wrong having a chat to the team at Ocean Grove Barwon Heads Lions.”