Put your mind to the test and start thinking about interesting short story ideas as the Bellarine Writing Competition returns for another year.
Entries for Topic 1 of this year’s short story competition will close on March 15, with people encouraged to submit a 750-word-maximum story about being ‘Snowed Under’.
Judge Alan Cobham said the competition featured five topics that will run throughout the year, with $200 awarded to each topic winner and $1000 for the overall winner.
“All writers 16 and over, beginners and experienced living in the Bellarine region, are asked to look at the advertisement below for this year’s first competition,” he said.
“The three judges, Jan and Barry Sproull and myself, are looking forward again to receiving and judging all the entries for Topic 1.
“(This will be done) with the assistance of the winner of the final short story last year and the winner of the whole competition… The judges will give each entrant, hopefully, helpful feedback.
“We are also running a writers’ group on the first Thursday of each month.
“If you want any information about the nature of the meetings or our writing competition, use the email in the advertisement to contact me. Go for it, with hopefully plenty of newcomers.”
Ocean Grove’s Helen Friee was the overall winner of last year’s Bellarine Writing Competition, with her story focused on a young woman’s journey to find her calling in the world.
Ms Friee received praise from the judges for her experimentation with the story’s layout, format, and character development.
The 2023 competition’s finalists included Christine Scheiner, Anne Whisken, Ali Holborn, Janette Campbell and Kirsten Alpin.
People can submit their 2024 story entries, ensure a phone number is included, to acobham@bigpond.com and the Topic 1 winner will be notified by phone on March 17.