Bellarine colleges excel

St Ignatius College Geelong high achievers Emma Fenton, Ross de Lange, Matilda Stepto and Lachlan De Pasquale. (supplied)

Saint Ignatius College and Bellarine Secondary College Year 12 students were celebrating on Monday with the release of statewide ATAR scores.

Both schools had outstanding results with 188 St Ignatius students successfully completing Year 12.

Joint duces were Emma Fenton and Ross de Lange (college captain), who each scored 98.2.

They were closely followed by Lachlan Di Pasquale (97.95) and Matilda Stepto (college captain, 96.75).

The 2023 results saw 10.32 percent of the school’s cohort achieve an ATAR more than 90.

The Top VCE Vocational Major Student for 2023 was awarded to James Dean.

Four students at Bellarine Secondary recorded an ATAR of 90 or more.

A total of 91 students successfully completed Year 12 while 19.8 percent of students received an ATAR greater than 80 and 52.7 percent greater than 70.

College dux for 2023 is Lana Tyrell with an ATAR of 96.75.

“This is a fabulous achievement and due recognition of a student who has shown great commitment and application to her learning,” school principal Wayne Johannesen said. Veronia Stevens (94.9), Elisabeth Varley (92.75) and Charlotte Reynolds (90.25) also achieved outstanding results which placed them in the top 9 percent of students across the state.

“On behalf of the college community, I congratulate every student, regardless of their pathway, on their achievement and look forward to supporting all to access their chosen pathway and positive destination beyond our college,” Mr Johannesen said.

“I also thank college staff for their wonderful support of our students, alongside families and carers, to support students in the Class of 2023 to achieve such success.”