Parklet receives green light

Parklets were introduced in Ocean Grove during the pandemic.

Jan Juc has been given the green light for a Parklet Pilot Program to transform four kerbside car parks into a street hospitality space.

Surf Coast Shire Council endorsed the program with The Beach Hotel during its October 24 meeting, which will see the outdoor space operate from December 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024.

Councillor Rose Hodge said the community had a chance to provide feedback on the pilot, which would help determine whether a permanent parklet program would be incorporated in the region.

“The owners of the hotel will still have strict controls. They’ll do maintenance and make sure that the area is clean, safe, and accessible for people.,” she said.

“The parklet popped up during the pandemic as Council helped the pub, and 45 other local businesses, navigate density limits.

“We heard loud and clear through a petition with more than 1400 signatures that people wanted to see the return of outdoor dining at The Beach Hotel.”

The program requires the hotel to enter a licence agreement that covers amenity, insurance, safety and accessibility requirements and meets relevant planning requirements.

People will be able to provide their feedback on the Parklet Pilot Program with The Beach Hotel in a short survey through QR codes in the parklet and other Jan Juc businesses or at