Troy Koerntjes was in an abusive relationship, lost his job, spiralled into deep depression and was told he would never work or ride a motorcycle again.
But fellow bikie members helped him through the tough times and a visit to a psychologist started the road to recovery.
He began studying and is now a qualified counsellor and drug and alcohol worker and began his own business, Complete Health Geelong.
No longer a bikie member, he wants to give back to other blokes and an idea with mate Gee Houston that began as a casual ride to a pub is now something of a juggernaut for men’s mental health.
The pair are expecting around 300 motorcyclists to take part in a trip from Geelong to Ocean Grove and then around the Bellarine Peninsula.
“We thought it was going to be 10 of us going to the pub and it’s morphed into this massive event,” Troy said.
“We’ll start at Sailor’s Rest at 10am and then head to Ocean Grove and we’ll stop there for an hour or so.”
During that hour, there will be a host of free events, including coffee provided by Gee’s business Parade Espresso Bar, live music, massages, haircuts, a barbecue and mental health workers on hand to talk.
“It’s for men’s mental health, but females are more than welcome, too,” Troy said.
“Because we didn’t expect it to go this big, next year we’ll choose a charity. This one is just to raise awareness, but it will become an annual event.”
So far 130 riders have confirmed they will be joining in, but Troy has more than 300 who have expressed their interest.
The ride, on Sunday October 9, will break at Ocean Grove’s Parade Espresso Bar for the festivities around 11.30am.
If anyone would like to donate a service for the day, see Complete Health Geelong’s Facebook page and Gee’s Chopped and Bobbed Instagram.