By Mark Heenan
Ocean Grove based nippers warmed up for next month’s Victorian Junior Surf Lifesaving Championships at a Life Saving Victoria state qualifying carnival in Lorne on Sunday 25 February.
More than 100 Ocean Grove Surf Life Saving Club junior competitors took part in the surf-based carnival held in overcast and windy conditions at Lorne’s main beach.
It was the LSV second junior state qualifying carnival held this summer following the bay based Chelsea carnival in Melbourne’s south east on 21 January.
There have been seven carnivals this summer – five of which have been held in the bay, while there has been two ocean surf competitions at Torquay and Lorne.
Ocean Grove SLSC Junior Activities Manager Darren Ball said local nippers were keen to compete in three foot waves on an outgoing low tide when the forecast was predicted last week.
“As soon (as the Nippers) heard about waves (here in Lorne) last Friday night everyone was pumped,” Ball told the Voice.
“Conditions wise we have had some big sets come through – it has knocked some of the younger kids around a fair bit – but our girls and our boys particularly in Under 11’s area have handled it really well.
“We had 110 kids registered – which was more than Torquay (Cosy Corner) and more than Chelsea which was at our previous qualifying carnival.”
Highlights included James Leahy and Remy Roberts win in the Under 12 Board Rescue, while up to three Ocean Grove SLSC Under 11 Nipper Girls qualified after their Iron finals.
There were some strong performances in the Under 11 Boys with a number of Ocean Grove SLSC competitors qualifying.
Ocean Grove SLSC Nippers will take part in this weekend’s Junior Club Championships before heading to Warrnambool-based State Surf Lifesaving Championships on 10 March and 11 March.