The Southern Ocean Union of Longboarders (SOUL) hosted the Interstate Longboard Challenge recently at Ocean Grove Main Beach.
A team of 25 surfers from the South Australian Maladjusted Longboard Club travelled across the border to take on a strong team of SOUL surfers. This is an annual event with the two clubs alternating hosting responsibilities of the event at their home break.
The competition started with the team events, following a California Cup format whereby five surfers from each club surf in alternating heats. Individual scores combine to create an overall team score. The age group/divisions, and Open Women’s and Open Men’s rounded out competition for the day.
A cold front sweeping up from the south produced some icy and windy conditions with large consistent surf. While the conditions were challenging the ocean was clean for most of the day and there were some great waves on offer to showcase some equally great longboard surfing.
After a great day of surfing and some fun rivalry the day concluded with a well-earned barbecue and the much awaited results and presentation of the coveted trophy Flipper to the overall club winner.
As the results for the team events and divisions were read out it was neck and neck on points between the two clubs.
The Ocean Grove SOUL club however emerged victorious and will retain Flipper for the second consecutive year.
It was a great day of friendly competition with everyone having a great time.
The next SOUL club comp is Saturday 18 March, meet at Ocean Grove Main Beach 7.30am. All current and new members welcome.
Inquiries to president Paul Fletcher 0477 477 841.