Ammos win battle of the best

Ocean Grove coach Mel Holmes talks with Arlee Bennett during the game against Geelong Amateur. (pictures Ivan Kemp) 420174_07

Geelong Amateur secured the Bellarine Netball League A Grade minor premiership with a pulsating five-goal win against Ocean Grove on a cold, wet and windy Saturday July 20.

The much anticipated clash between the comp’s two best teams lived up to expectations with Ammos surviving a third-quarter challenge to win 55 to 50 at Steeline Ray Menzies Oval.

After an even first term, Ammos started to take control with star goaler Ruby Watson and the ever brilliant goal attack Darcy McFarlane leading the way.

Ammos led by eight goals in the third term, but the Grubbers launched a fightback to lead by two at the final break.

The introduction of youngster Louise Shaw at wing attack, gave Ammos a boost and they took control of the final term.

Ocean Grove, however, showed enough to give it confidence that it can match it with the flag favourites come finals time.

“We started slowly…our shooting percentage was down which it isn’t normally,” Ocean Grove coach Mel Holmes said.

“They presented us with a big challenge and we knew that going in, but I feel like we gained some experience and learnings from it so we can take that back and look at what we need to work on and come back stronger next time.

“I’m never happy with a loss, but it gave us enough to know that we’ve got more to give. We’ll look at it and analyse it, but I’m happy with what I saw and what we need to work on.”

Holmes moved Mia Smith onto the dangerous McFarlane after half-time and it had an immediate impact.

“Darcy’s a playmaker so just to have someone different on her to change up the game,” Holmes said.

“It was more about let’s just not let her get comfortable.”

Georgia Berry did all she could on Watson, who scored 44 goals from 48 attempts, while Jess Leader was super busy in midcourt and Rhiannon Whitson was solid in defence.

Holmes said Zanna Woods will return from injury this week or next and that fitting her into the side was “a good problem to have”.

“We’re really looking forward to having her back,” she said.

“She’ll add another dimension that a lot of teams haven’t really seen. I mean they’ve seen a bit and they know her, but she’ll add another dimension to our game.”

The Grubbers face another test against a hugely improved Newcomb in their final home of the season before travelling to bottom placed Drysdale and then sixth-placed Anglesea.

With the double chance sewn up and no hope of finishing top, Ocean Grove will have one eye firmly on finals.



Ocean Grove 50 def by Geelong Amateur 55. Best: Ocean Grove – Jessica Leader, Rhiannon Whitson, Georgia Berry. Geelong Amateur – Ruby Watson, Romy Harwood, Sharon Ford.

Barwon Heads 40 def Portarlington 32. Best: Barwon Heads – Racquel Scott, Chelsea Baker, Ebony Evans. Portarlington – Laura Robinson, Klara Wilkinson, Lauren Wood.

Anglesea 48 def Newcomb 47. Best: Anglesea – Jessica Croker, Tae McGillivray, Breda O’Kane. Newcomb – not supplied.

Torquay 45 def Modewarre 27. Best: Torquay – Sarah Butler, Lauren Berridge, Rhian Moresi. Modewarre – Monique Sefton, Laney Mcfadyen, Sarah Rogers.

Queenscliff 66 def Drysdale 44. Best: Queenscliff – Shaiden Smith, Sarah Langley, Kaitlin Gladman. Drysdale – not supplied.


Ocean Grove 38 def by Geelong Amateur 44. Best: Ocean Grove – Shelby Hackett, Imogen Bennett, Jesse Sutton. Geelong Amateur – Julia Twigg, Lauren Lapsley, Jessie Allen.


Ocean Grove 28 def Geelong Amateur 24. Best: Ocean Grove – Sofia Dickeson, Maddy Goodger, Amelia Hallam. Geelong Amateur – Pippa Bullen, Holly Ellison, Sophie Mallett.


Ocean Grove 40 def Geelong Amateur 24. Best: Ocean Grove – Tarryn Stanley, Tina Birch, Paula Birch. Geelong Amateur – not supplied.


Ocean Grove 34 def Geelong Amateur 25. Best: Ocean Grove – Taryn Laverty, Keely Boswell, Ruby Hildebrandt. Geelong Amateur – Sophie Leach, Erin Steele, Tarni Levick.

19 & UNDER

Ocean Grove 11 def by Geelong Amateur 33. No best supplied.


Ocean Grove 33 def Geelong Amateur 17. Best: Ocean Grove – Mikala Martin, Emma Barry, Ella Brown. Geelong Amateur – Eva Chalmers, Emily Totton, Charli German.


Ocean Grove 15 def by Geelong Amateur 20. Best: Ocean Grove – Liv Richardson, Eve Lake, Olivia Grogan. Geelong Amateur – Lucy Rookes, Holly Clifford, Zoe Naughtin.


Ocean Grove 13 def by Geelong Amateur 27. Best: Ocean Grove – Airlie Bennett, Charli Burke, Tamika Wall. Geelong Amateur – Caitlin Totton, Sasha Naughtin, Ginny Brough.


Ocean Grove 15 def by Geelong Amateur 18. Best: Ocean Grove – Crystal Wright, Ashley Sutherland, Grace van Maasdyk. Geelong Amateur – Indianna Jaramillo, Grace Jarman, Jorja Pratt.


Ocean Grove 13 def by Geelong Amateur 24. Best: Ocean Grove – Kiara Dean, Iluka O’Loughlin, Alana Farrow. Geelong Amateur – Kitty Brough, Ava Fitzclarence, Eva Hammond.


Ocean Grove 13 def by Geelong Amateur 18. Best: Ocean Grove – Olive Wearmouth, Matilda Dalton. Geelong Amateur – Matilda Jane, Olive Logan, Maive McMaster.