By Tegan Philip, Rip To River Classic Ambassador
RIP to River Classic ambassador and Australian netballer Tegan Philip provides insightful running tips for this month’s iconic beach run.
Before run
IT is important to make sure you are well hydrated and this starts the day before the race.
Plenty of water the day before as well as a good healthy meal the night before.
On the day, as it is in the morning it is individual preference whether to eat the day before.
No doubt I will be having a banana or something similar.
Warm up
Important to get your muscles warm and ready before the run whether you are running the 5km or 10km.
So I recommend a light jog to warm up initially followed by stretching (hamtrings, quads, calves, hip flexors, etc.) to prepare your muscles.
Following the run, a cool down is also important.
More stretching, and take your time when doing this! Hydrating is a must, whether this is done with water or sports drinks.
And finally, it is important to eat following your run.
Some form of protein would be of benefit, I reckon I’ll be having for some eggs and avocado on toast.
Hydration and eating will allow you to fuel your body appropriately.
These little tips will hopefully mean you will pull up the next day better.
Good Luck!