THE Ocean Grove Surf Life Saving Club launched its iconic Rip to River event recently.
Rip to River ambassador Tegan Philip was at the club to help promote the event, which is now in its 37th year.
Philip is an Australia netball star and a Melbourne Vixens gun.
The Rip to River will be held on 31 December.
The event attracts about 1500 runners with the 10km Classic Run (start time 8am Point Lonsdale Beach below the lighthouse), 10km Walk (7.30am Point Lonsdale Beach below the lighthouse), 5km Beach Run (7.30am Ocean Grove Main Beach) and 1.4km Ripper Nipper (8am Ocean Grove Main Beach).
Online registrations close 10am on Friday 30 December and attract a $5 discount off paper-based registrations. Go to oceangroveslsc.asn.au
With Philip was Sam Sheppard, who is the ambassador of the Ocean Open Water Swim Festival.
The swim is on 29 January and Sheppard is a six-time winner of the famous Lorne Pier to Pub.
Starting and finishing at Ocean Grove Main Beach, the swim is open for experts and novices – 400m (Junior, 7-14 years minimum), 600m (Novice (15 years minimum), 1.2km (Classic, 12 years minimum) and 2.5km (Enduro, 12 years minimum).