Weather favours local anglers

A nice haul of whiting and squid. (supplied)

Improved weather this week has definitely motivated anglers to get back out and wet a line and with the forecast looking how it is, we can expect to see even more reports come through.

Inside the bay we have had reports of large numbers of Australian salmon getting around snatching up anglers lures. Small minnow style plastics are the best when targeting salmon and also works on a variety of other species. Anglers fishing land based off Wangum Walk and Cunningham Pier have been getting amongst plenty of fish.

In other news anglers fishing St Helens rocks have seen shortfin pike (AKA snook) cruising really close to the shore line and over the weed beds. When targeting these guys your best bet is definitely soft plastics or had body lures. Hard bodies are by far more effective but be sure to run heavier leader as they have teeth and it’s not fun losing lures. Snook make for a good meal when bled, put on ice and eaten fresh or make even better snapper and gummy shark bait.

St Leonards has had great reports of King George whiting biting. Anglers made the most of the opportunity with the weather window and raced to the whiting grounds to restock up after a long break between sessions and it’s safe to say the fishing was red hot. Fishing the stronger tides fired the fishing right up with fish chewing right through the tide. Most fish were around the mid-30s with plenty getting over 40.

Again anglers seeing a break in the weather were very keen to head out the front and have a squiz around for a bluefin. Although no official reports of fish being caught there was some half decent life around with some boats marking the odd fish here and there. Could just be a case of any day it all comes together and goes hectic. But as we all know with tuna they can make us question our theories so it’s just worth at the moment putting time in and not waiting so much for the reports to come in.

Stony Creek Reservoir has been a popular location for freshwater anglers this week with the redfin really firing up with great numbers being reported. Casting soft plastics from the rockwall has been super effective with anglers casting paddletail soft plastics finding the best success.