The final stage of Bellarine Lakes Country Club, the only retirement village on the Bellarine or Geelong with a private golf course, is now selling.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to purchase one of the last remaining newly built villas.
“I still work part time, enjoy playing a bit of golf and I love the indoor and outdoor swimming pools,” resident Di says.
“The outside pool is about 28 degrees, so it’s nicer in winter than it is outside. I also enjoy going to the happy hours, I sometimes use the gym and I just love taking walks as there are great walking tracks here.
“Everybody is friendly. Even if you go out at 6am, there will be somebody that will say hello or run or ride past you and there’s a lot of people who enjoy walking their dogs. So, it’s just a great place to be and a really good sense of community. There are a lot of things to do, if you choose and there are so many wonderful people.”
“We live in the Eden Beach, it’s a really lovely size (21 squares), with very generous rooms, high ceilings and it’s just so beautifully done,” John says.
“We are very happy to have space for a garden as we are keen gardeners and we live on the edge of the golf course, which has a very nice outlook and the streetscape here is just lovely.”
“This was a big move, because we did move across the bay,” Ann says.
“The welcoming environment is something that I was really surprised about. We live in a lovely street, the neighbours are all kind and friendly and we look out for one another. It’s really been quite an eye opener to come to this community. It has been absolutely the right thing for us.
“There are a lot of facilities at Bellarine Lakes, whether you’re a swimmer, table tennis player, play billiards or cards, or enjoy craft. There is plenty for everyone to do. I was not a golfer until I came here. It’s very new to me and very welcoming if you play golf well or not. Sometimes the golf cart is more fun than the golf, but I keep turning up.”
John and Ann both agreed that the community aspect is wonderful and that they all look out for one another.
They also praised the wonderful Village Managers and grounds staff for the beautiful streetscape and gardens. They had not seen another village like it.
Come along and look for yourselves. Join us for a two-course luncheon at noon on Thursday November 7. RSVP is essential as spaces are limited.
Contact Bellarine Lakes Country Club today or visit 402 Bellarine Bellarine Highway, Moolap.
Friendly lifestyle consultant Lisa Duke welcomes any queries you may have. Inspections are always welcome. Contact Lisa direct to arrange a private tour on 0447-495 400 or FreeCall 1800 255 578.