With colourful sets and costumes, catchy songs, and larger than life characters, ‘Sleeping Beauty’ will provide perfect entertainment and enchantment for the final week of school holidays.
The show, at the Potato Shed, will be Theatre 3Triple2 for Kids 500th performance.
Company Secretary Chris Reynolds said they are up to performance 988 and Sleeping Beauty will take them closer to the magical 500th performance.
“Over the past 15 years we have employed over 300 actors and backstage workers to help present these productions,” he said.
“We’re finding that people who attended those early performances are now coming back with their own children, and they say they enjoy the shows just as much as they did when they were
Does Sleeping Beauty really sleep? What makes her fall asleep and who if anyone will wake her up?
In the age-old tradition of pantomimes, you are encouraged to boo and hiss the baddies, and cheer.
Jennifer Brown plays Doris the green faced witch and is looking forward to the performance.
“You feel very special performing for children – you couldn’t get an audience more honest and involved, and you have a big responsibility – it may be the child’s first time at the theatre and the experience may shape them for the rest of their lives,” she said.
“I truly say I love performing for younger audiences, to see them up and dancing and getting involved, yelling out and telling you what to do and where to go, it’s just magical.”
Sleeping Beauty has two performances daily at 10.30am and 1.30pm with eight shows in all from July 5 to 8.
Tickets can be booked at the Potato Shed – in person or over the phone on 5251 1998 or online at geelongaustralia.com.au/potatoshed.