LAST minute preparations are being finalised for the state-of-the-art $6 million Shell Road sports pavilion precinct official opening next month.
The Voice took a sneak peek inside the modern two-storey sports complex development last week.
Shell Road Pavilion Board of Management president Phil Emery and secretary Ian McTaggart met with Ocean Grove Football Netball Club president Tony Potter to discuss next week’s key handover from the City of Greater Geelong, which contributed $2.5 million towards project.
The City of Greater Geelong confirmed a key handover would occur on Monday 22 February, while the official Shell Road sports pavilion opening is set down for Sunday 13 March.
“We anticipate the key handover will occur the week starting 22 February,” City of Greater Geelong General Manager Community Life spokeswoman Linda Quinn said.
“The keys will be handed over to the Shell Road Reserve Pavilion Board of Management.
“The official opening is set for Sunday 13 March.
“Federal, State and council representatives are expected to attend the official opening.”
Potter said along Ocean Grove Cricket and Surfside Waves Soccer Clubs, the Ocean Grove Football Netball Club, all co-tenants of the sports pavilion, were looking forward to using the facilities.
“It is super, really good, it is going to be fantastic, we can’t wait for the keys to be handed over,” Potter told the Voice.
The exciting sports pavilion has two football changerooms, two netball changerooms, four netball changerooms, umpires room, public toilets, function room, board room/meeting room, first aid and medical rooms, three canteens, can bar room, timekeepers box, upstairs bar and an eastern-facing balcony.
The $6 million project was jointly funded by the Federal Government, which contributed $3.5 million.